Check out all the clubs we currently offer!

  • Art Club

    Art club is a space meant for anyone interested in visual art, especially those who would otherwise no have a creative outlet built into their week.

  • Biology Club

    The TWU Biology Club is a place where any TWU student who has a love for biology can find support, information, and fun!

  • Dramatis Personae

    The club is film and drama, serving actors and filmmakers. The idea is to connect filmmakers and actors for film making projects and providing actors with the opportunity to act.

  • French Club

    Allows people and students in Trinity to practice the French language and experience the French culture.

  • Games Club

    To unite students with similar interests reaching out to those who usually would not be reached by other clubs or university efforts and join in community in order to support and grow with each other through games.

  • Global Educo

    We seek to challenge and broaden students’ perspectives by interlacing diverse epistemic and narrative frameworks into one camp. - To listen and voice a diversity of perspectives on global issues in accordance with God’s calling to be “attentive to wisdom” and inclining to “understanding” (Proverbs 2:2). We seek to drive discussions that holistically concern real issues, problems, and challenges faced in our intercultural world.

  • Haven Poet Society (HPS)

    To empower voices, ideas, and experiences through the gospel and creative arts with a unique way to express the gospel, spark deep connections with improved interpersonal skills.

  • Inkblots and Inscapes Society (IBIS)

    A Club that provides students across all disciplines with a community for discussion of literary works and critical support for personal writing projects.

  • Knitting Club

    To facilitate a community through knitting, delivered through an environment that encourages the learning of a new useful skill from experienced knitters.

  • Music Guild

    Organize events and activities that incorporate music and are open to the campus community and beyond

  • Nursing Student Association (NSA)

    The purpose of the Nursing Students’ Association is to develop interconnectedness between nursing students of every year, bridge the relationship between students and faculty, and present nursing students with opportunities to engage with the nursing community and professional bodies.

  • Psi-Chi

    The purpose of Psi Chi is “to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.”

  • Skate Club

    The main goal of this club is to provide events and spaces to where anyone can bring or borrow a board and to learn how to skate better and find a community.

  • Spaces

    Literary Journal publishes both creative writing and visual art in a professional and academic context. [spaces] produces an annual print publication, featuring the literary and artistic accomplishments of TWU students. As a club, [spaces] raises awareness of the importance of the arts among all students on campus, bringing creative minds together in our community.

  • Student Business Association (SBA)

    The SBA exists to provide a platform which allows students in the TWU Business School to gain further knowledge about different career options and have an opportunity for building relationships with professionals and alumni in various industries.

  • SMIF

    The TWU SMIF aims to equip Godly Christian leaders in the area of equity valuation and portfolio management.

  • TWU Chess Club

    TWU Chess Club’s main aim is to create a lively and friendly community for chess lovers at Trinity Western University. We want to give students, teachers, and staff a place to enjoy chess, play against each other, and show how chess can be super fun and good for the brain.

  • TWU Conservatives

    We aim to build a place for open dialogue where all may engage with Conservative politics through a Christian worldview. We will provide networking opportunities for the student body so that they may connect with and question Conservative MP’s.

  • Trinity Western Environment Club (TWEC)

    The Environmental Club is rooted in loving God, people, and the environment. As Christians we have been called to steward Earth, we will do so by spreading environmental awareness, create hope for the future, and start a change here and now.


    The purpose of TWU Rise is to provide a space of support for all learners on campus and to raise awareness about campus diversity. By raising awareness about campus diversity and supporting ALL learners, TWU Rise hopes to improve the inclusiveness of the campus community!

  • Young Liberals Club

    Description goes hereOur main objective is to educate people on the different political perspectives that exist on campus, and we intend to provide a place where people can ask about anything in the realm of politics. Our mission is to equip students with the tools to understand their classmates and address misconceptions through a Christian standpoint.

  • Young Women In Leadership (YWiL)

    YWiL exists to equip women at Trinity Western University with the connections and skills to excel in their prospective leadership fields.

  • ICP Clubs

    Nirvana (Indian) Club

    Afro-Caribbean Club

    Chinese Club

    To provide a comforting community for students wishing to experience their own or other cultures.