Running a club? Wanting to start one? Here’s all the information you might need
Check out all the clubs we currently offer!
Afro Caribbean Club - ICP Club
The Afro-Caribbean club (ACC) hopes to foster a sense of community among TWU Afro Caribbean students, embrace the black culture at the core, and open doors to everyone interested in the culture through interpersonal relationships and public events. We also hope to make everyone feel welcomed, valued, and celebrated!
Contact: maki.yimer@gmail.com
Art Club
Art club is a space meant for anyone interested in visual art, especially those who would otherwise no have a creative outlet built into their week.
Contact: zoe.towne@mytwu.ca
Biology Club
The TWU Biology Club is a place where any TWU student who has a love for biology can find support, information, and fun!
Chemistry Club
Connecting students through a shared passion for chemistry through discussions, informative events and providing a platform for learning.
Contact: twuchemistry@gmail.com
Instagram: twu_cs
Chinese Culture Club - ICP Club
Our goal is to create a vibrant community where everyone can explore, learn, and celebrate Chinese culture together!! Join TWU’s Chinese Culture Club to dive into authentic Chinese culture, make new friends, and spark fun connections between tradition and modern life.
Contact: yuyao.gao@mytwu.ca
Conservative Club
The TWU Conservative Club aims to build a place of open dialog where all may engage in Conservative politics through a Christian worldview.
Contact: twuconservativeclub@gmail.com
CSPSC Trinity Western University Chapter
Empowering future health and community leaders to advance the social prescribing movement through collaboration, education, advocacy, and innovation.
Contact: cspsctwu@gmail.com
Haven Poet Society (HPS)
To empower voices, ideas, and experiences through the gospel and creative arts with a unique way to express the gospel, spark deep connections with improved interpersonal skills.
Human Resources Student Association (HRSA)
Educates students on the vital role of HR in the workplace. We strive to provide HR majors with tools and guidance to pursue the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) designation through TWU's accredited program. Through events, guest speakers, and networking, we foster a diverse community, preparing the next generation of HR professionals and leaders.
Email: twuhrsa@gmail.com
Instagram: @twuhrsa
Inkblots and Inscapes Society (IBIS)
A Club that provides students across all disciplines with a community for discussion of literary works and critical support for personal writing projects.
Nirvana Indian Culture Club - ICP Club
The Nirvana Indian Culture Club at Trinity Western University celebrates and shares Indian culture through community events, traditions, and cultural exchange. Open to all students, the club fosters a welcoming space for connection, learning, and inclusivity, bringing together diverse backgrounds to experience the richness of Indian heritage.
Contact: Suditi@mytwu.ca
Instagram: nirvanaindianclub
Nursing Student Association (NSA)
The purpose of the Nursing Students’ Association is to develop interconnectedness between nursing students of every year, bridge the relationship between students and faculty, and present nursing students with opportunities to engage with the nursing community and professional bodies.
Literary Journal publishes both creative writing and visual art in a professional and academic context. [spaces] produces an annual print publication, featuring the literary and artistic accomplishments of TWU students. As a club, [spaces] raises awareness of the importance of the arts among all students on campus, bringing creative minds together in our community.
Student Business Association (SBA)
The SBA exists to provide a platform which allows students in the TWU Business School to gain further knowledge about different career options and have an opportunity for building relationships with professionals and alumni in various industries.
Students for Life
In Canada, preborn humans are not protected at any stage. TWU Students for Life seeks to engage in compassionate and thoughtful discussions on the societal issue of abortion, as well as other issues endangering vulnerable human lives, on our campus. We participate in and host community events, bring in knowledgable speakers, and advocate for life-affirming resources.
Contact: carmel.dear@mytwu.ca
Swing Before Spring Dance Club
Swing Before Spring is a swing dance club on campus that focuses on teaching and dancing east coast swing! Danced to jazz and pop, it's a beginner-friendly, social, and welcoming time to dance with friends (or that special someone). So no matter your skill level, bring friends and be prepared to have so much fun!
Email: Ana.Martinez@mytwu.ca
Take 2 Film Crew
Take 2 Film Crew is a club dedicated to creating movies. We have access to film equipment, cameras, and the expertise of film professionals. Our goal is to film one film per year, but we are also a network for access to actors and filming and editing tutelage.
Contact: Canadianzach2001@gmail.com
TWU Chess Club
TWU Chess Club’s main aim is to create a lively and friendly community for chess lovers at Trinity Western University. We want to give students, teachers, and staff a place to enjoy chess, play against each other, and show how chess can be super fun and good for the brain.
Trinity Western Environmental Club (TWEC)
The Environmental Club is rooted in loving God, people, and the environment. As Christians we have been called to steward Earth, we will do so by spreading environmental awareness, create hope for the future, and start a change here and now.
Emails: sarah.demian@mytwu.ca and rea.klar@mytwu.ca
The goal of TWURise is to offer a safe space of support for all learners!
Contact: spencer.dyck@mytwu.ca
Young Women In Leadership
Our mission at YWIL is to be an inclusive community that cultivates strong, professional and creative female leaders at TWU, who strive to be collaborative with all student members, and set remarkable standards for female students to thrive in their careers.
Contact: alexandra.janzen@mytwu.ca