TWUSA Business Meetings (TBM)
Our Student Association Business meetings are when the TWUSA council meets to discuss business and finances. The agenda for these meetings are planned by the Executive Vice President, and the Proposal Advisory Committee. The meetings take place Tuesdays between 1:30-2:45pm in the Board of Governors in Reimer.
Attendance at Student Association Business meetings is mandatory for all TWUSA Council Members, both elected and appointed. All students are welcomed to join, and partake in discussion.
TWUSA Council Meetings
There are regular TWUSA Council meetings to discuss issues, campus concerns, and Student Association projects every Thursday from 1:30-2:45pm in RGK.
Attendance at TWUSA Council meetings is mandatory for all TWUSA Council members. This meeting is closed to students, but it is encouraged for TWUSA Council members to update students on the decisions of the team.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting is a special meeting held in the most public forum available on campus with the intent of attracting as many Student Association members as possible. The Annual General Meeting will take place within the first five weeks of the fall semester at a time deemed most suitable by the President. If business is not concluded, the remaining business will be heard at the next Student Association Business meeting.
The Vice President of Finance will present and propose the Student Association’s annual operating, or Annual General Meeting (AGM) budget. The proposed AGM budget shall be made available online to the student body no less than one (1) week prior to the Annual General Meeting.
All TWUSA Council Members, as well as all Student Media Editors-in-Chief are required to attend. TWUSA Senators should also attend if at all possible.