Run for Vice President of Student Relations
Co-Lead a bi-weekly meeting (as needed) in conjunction with the Director of Events, over the Marketing and Communications and Events Departments, in order to discuss advertising for upcoming TWUSA events led by the Events Department.
Responsible for providing services for students as the face of TWUSA in the following ways:
Maintain strict Confidentiality on all prior and current cases.
Maintain a database of previous cases, archiving in collaboration with the Executive Vice President.
Maintain a relationship with the Director for Community Life.
Prepare students for meetings with University Representatives.
Have an in-depth knowledge of University policy and procedure.
Help students with appeals including but not limited to: academic, housing, accountability, and facilitate resolutions.
Be aware of the University departments that are responsible for specific concerns and issues.
In cases where a student approaches TWUSA and feels that there has been an infringement of their academic freedom, the Vice President of Student Relations will meet with the Provost to ascertain how to proceed with the matter.
Be a voice for student concerns and issues with a responsibility to communicate appropriate actions to the university in conjunction with the President and Executive Vice-President through:
Regular meetings with university administration.
Represent TWUSA to the student body, and the student body to administration on major issues. This list may include but is not limited to: tuition costs, TWU’s public image, etc.
Build and maintain connections with various university groups (collegiums, Inter-Cultural Programs etc.) in order to create dialogue and receive consistent feedback.
Give leadership to the TWUSA Ad Hoc Positions in terms of curriculum development, equal representation, and mentorship.
Be responsible for coordinating with Transition Programs TWUSA representation and involvement at O-Day in both the Fall and Spring terms.
Make connections with the student body at large and set the vision of the current TWUSA team along with the TWUSA Executive Team.
The VP of Finance, Director of Operations and Services, VP of Student Relations, and Director of Marketing will work in conjunction to seek external partnerships for the benefit of the student body as it pertains to revenue, services, public relations, and marketing.
In the Spring semester of the current term in office, undertake the training of the Vice President of Student Relations elect who shall, upon election, serve as an assistant to the Vice President of Student Relations until the completion of the academic year.
The Leadership Grant for the Vice President of Student Relations is $5300
All Executive Officers must have a minimum career GPA of 2.50 not including the incomplete current semester, or a minimum term GPA in the previous two (2) semesters of 2.75, not including the incomplete current semester.
All Executive Officers must have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours prior to September 1 of their term in office. An exception may be made if the student had previously served one complete year as a Council Member. It is also recommended – but not mandatory - that Faculty Representatives have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours.
All candidates and those appointed must be members of the Student Association as outlined in Article II.A. of the Constitution.
No TWUSA Council members may hold another official student leadership role, including a role on TWUSA Senate, subject to appeal to the TWUSA Senate.
See the Election Process in detail in the TWUSA Policy Manual