Run for Vice President of Academic Relations

    • Encourage and support intellectual pursuits on campus by:

      • Representing the interests and concerns of the faculty representatives to the Administration of TWU.

      • Collaborating with the academic community of TWU on new and prescribed initiatives.

    • Serve as Overseer of all Student Association Clubs

      • Serve as the Chair of the Council of Club Presidents by meeting with the Presidents of all Student Association Affiliated Entities/Clubs (in conjunction with the appropriate Faculty Representative and the Vice President of Finance) at the beginning of each semester for the purpose of overseeing the growth, continuity, and maintenance of these Student Association Clubs.

      • Operate closely with any club proposing ratification or renewal.

      • Host a club fair once per semester.

      • Ensure communication, when appropriate, between Clubs and the Executive.

    • Serve as a student representative on the Undergraduate Academic Council as a voting member, unless the Executive Vice President, the President, and the chair of the Undergraduate Academic Council mutually agree upon another member assuming this responsibility.

    • Serve as Chairperson of the Proposal Advisory Committee, unless an alternate delegate is agreed upon by both the Vice President of Academic Relations and President.

    • Serve as the team leader of the Student Association’s Faculty Representative Department, which includes the following Council members: School of Arts, Media, and Culture Representative, School of Business Representative, School of Education Representative, School of Human Kinetics Representative, Humanities Representative, Social Sciences Representative, Natural and Applied Sciences Representative, School of Nursing Representative.

      • Oversee the Representatives’ use of digital media (suggested, but not limited to, social media accounts and digital newsletters).

    • In the Spring semester of the current term in office, undertake the training of the Vice President of Academic Relations-elect who shall, upon election, serve as an assistant to the Vice President of Academic Relations until the completion of the academic year.

  • The Leadership Grant for the Vice President of Academic Relations is $5300

    • All Executive Officers must have a minimum career GPA of 2.50 not including the incomplete current semester, or a minimum term GPA in the previous two (2) semesters of 2.75, not including the incomplete current semester.

    • All Executive Officers must have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours prior to September 1 of their term in office. An exception may be made if the student had previously served one complete year as a Council Member. It is also recommended – but not mandatory - that Faculty Representatives have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours.

    • All candidates and those appointed must be members of the Student Association as outlined in Article II.A. of the Constitution.

    • No TWUSA Council members may hold another official student leadership role, including a role on TWUSA Senate, subject to appeal to the TWUSA Senate.

  • See the Election Process in detail in the TWUSA Policy Manual