Run for Executive Vice President
Assist the President and assume all the duties of the President if for any reason the President is unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
Supervise the TWUSA Council personnel, ensuring that all members perform their duties and enforcing disciplinary action if needed.
Have an in-depth knowledge of the Constitution, Bylaws and Policy Manual.
Chair the Document Review Committee.
Maintain an annual update of the TWUSA Council governing documents.
Be responsible for all Student Association Meetings, as defined by Bylaw VI.
Be knowledgeable of Parliamentary Procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Preside as Chair at Student Association meetings, voting only in the event of a tie.
Maintain the effective and efficient discussion of items on agenda.
Ensure fairness for all members.
Be responsible for setting a professional and controlled tone.
Maintain and update the Rules of Procedure manual.
Determine a TWUSA Council member to keep an orderly record and minutes of all meetings of the TWUSA Council, Representative Assembly, and Student Association for the academic year.
Oversee the annual archiving of TWUSA materials with the assistance of the Director of Operations, in accordance with the Student Association Archiving Guidelines (see Policy Manual, Section XI).
Oversee the election procedure.
Develop and maintain the Manual for Elections and Referenda.
Be responsible for the organization and scheduling of interviews.
Serve as a student representative on the University Senate as a voting member, unless the Executive Vice President, the President, and the chair of the University Senate mutually agree upon a delegate assuming this role.
Be responsible for the compilation and distribution of transition documents for the TWUSA council members assuming office in the following academic year. (See Policy Manual, XVI)
In the Spring semester of the current term of office, undertake the training of the Executive Vice President-elect who shall, upon election, serve as an assistant to the Executive Vice President until the completion of the academic year.
The Leadership Grant for the Executive Vice President is $5300
All Executive Officers must have a minimum career GPA of 2.50 not including the incomplete current semester, or a minimum term GPA in the previous two (2) semesters of 2.75, not including the incomplete current semester.
All Executive Officers must have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours prior to September 1 of their term in office. An exception may be made if the student had previously served one complete year as a Council Member. It is also recommended – but not mandatory - that Faculty Representatives have completed fifty-seven (57) credit hours.
All candidates and those appointed must be members of the Student Association as outlined in Article II.A. of the Constitution.
No TWUSA Council members may hold another official student leadership role, including a role on TWUSA Senate, subject to appeal to the TWUSA Senate.
See the Election Process in detail in the TWUSA Policy Manual